Abode Eucalyptus Top and Front Loader Laundry Powder (1kg) - Building Biology
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Healthy Home Store

Abode Eucalyptus Top and Front Loader Laundry Powder (1kg)


Our most popular product! Eucalyptus Laundry Powder is free from nasty chemicals (1kg = up to washes).

Sorry, this product is not available in your country SKU: Abode Eucalyptus Front Loader Laundry Powder (1kg) Category: Brand:

So why have we devoted the last 4 years of our lives to develop this great product? the answer is simple… because our family’s health means the world to us!

Sick of buying ‘natural’ laundry powders that don’t perform and still irritate your skin? look no further as this range has been specifically designed for you! The Abode Eucalyptus Laundry Powder is made from the best quality ingredients that money can buy, is free from petrochemicals, zeolites, phosphates and salt found in most conventional products and specifically designed from the ground up taking into consideration the health of your family. Best of all, its so concentrated you only need to use a tablespoon not a scoop!

Machine Type: Top and Front loader compatible

Ingredients You Can Trust! Soda ash (alkalinity builder), baking soda (food grade), sodium citrate (food grade), sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (derived from coconut oil),  sodium coco sulphate (derived from coconut oil), sodium disilicate (derived from sand), alkylpolyglucosides (derived from corn, wheat and coconut) and pure Blue Mallee eucalyptus essential oil (Australian).

How We Differ to Other Brands:

  • Free from zeolites, phosphates, palm oil, petrochemicals, optical brighteners, chlorine and NO SALT!
  • Made from food grade ingredients (where available) and NOT industrial grade ingredients that are typically contaminated with heavy metals
  • Formulated by a naturopath from the ground up taking into consideration the health of your family
  • Grey water and septic tank safe
  • Australian made and owned
  • Incredibly cost effective as you only use a tablespoon NOT a scoop!
  • Recommended by Building Biologists
  • Bulk available: 1kg, 5kg and 15kg
  • Available from your local health food store
Additional Information
Weight 1.1 kg
Dimensions 16 × 7 × 14 cm